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Mladen VULINEC Crime Intelligence Officer, Interpol


 University degree on Faculty of Political Science in Zagreb Croatia
 Professional experience in police: 25 years of service, starting as police inspector working in various crime areas, mostly on economic crime;
 promoted in 1988 at the post of Deputy Chief of Police Station for crime matters, and in 1990 as Chief of Police Station.
 International police co-operation started in 1993 working as a contact officer for organised crime and in 1995 taking over the post of Head of National Central Bureau Interpol Zagreb.
 In 1999 seconded from Croatian Ministry of the Interior to Interpol General Secretariat in Lyon to the Organised Crime Projects Branch as Specialised Officer for organised crime. Managing Project Bridge on organised crime involvement in people smuggling and post smuggling activities.
 In 2001 relocated to Trafficking in Human Beings sub/directorate of Specialised Crime Directorate with the same tasks.
 Constantly participating at conferences, expert s, meetings, symposiums on organised crime and organised people smuggling, representing Interpol General Secretariat.


Continuously writing articles for monthly Croatian police Magazine "Halo 92" from 3-6 page on International police co-operation, organised crime, economic crime, stolen vehicles, stolen works of art, abuse of stolen and lost documents etc.
"Organised Crime in Croatia" published after 3rd International Police Executive Symposium at University of Kanagava, Japan in 1996;
"Illegal Migration - a Global concern" published in 2001, Platypus' Australian Federal Police Magazine
"Trends in Illegal Migration of Chinese Nationals" - published in 2001 as compilation of operational and strategic information , open source information and investigations Interpol is performing and supporting or presented at Interpol conferences. This publication is disseminated to Interpol member states as "For police use only" and could not be disseminated to the third parties.