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Morten KJAERUM Director, FRA - European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Vienna


1984 Master of Law, University of Aarhus, Denmark
1984-1991 Head, Asylum Department, The Danish Refugee Council
1991-2002 Executive Director, The Danish Centre for Human Rights
2003-2008 Executive Director, The Danish Institute for Human Rights; Co-Director, The Danish Centre for International Studies and Human Rights
since 2008 Director, FRA - European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
 International Assignments:
2002-2008 Member, UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)
2004-2008 Elected CERD Follow-up co-ordinator
Elected President, International Co-ordination Committee for National Human Rights Institutions (ICC)


Advisory Board, Danish Industrialisation fund for Developing Countries (IFU)
Advisory Board; the Human Rights Institute of the University of Latvia, 1996- 2008
The Future of Asylum and Migration; Society for International Development, The Hague, since 1999
Advisory Board, Refugee Law Commission, Geneva, 2002-2008
Board, Centre for Victims of Torture, Brussels, 2002- 2007
Network of experts on fundamental rights (established by the European Commission for the European Parliament) 2002-2006


Editorial Memberships:
Member of Editorial Review Board on International Human Rights Quarterly, since 2006
Human Rights in the Developing Countries, Yearbook, Europe, 1991-2007
Mennesker og Rettigheter, Nordic Journal, 1991-2008
Advisory Board: Nordic Journal of International Law, since 1993
EU Law & Human Rights Law (EU-ret & menneskeret), Denmark, 1994-2003
Academic and general articles in Danish, Nordic and international journals:
1986-2005 more than 50 titles were published on issues related to a number of human rights issues and in particular refugee law and the prohibition against racial discrimination.