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Nathalie RODRIGUEZ MCCULLOUGH Member, Monitoring Board, Alcohol Policy Youth Network; Member, Stakeholder Dialogue Group, DG Health and Consumers, European Commission, Brussels


2002-2009 Medical Faculty Executive Board Member, Student Representative
Medical Faculty Executive Board Member, Student Representative
2002-2004 Mount Sinai, New York - Valladolid Exchange Coordinator
2003-2004 IFMSA Local National Exchange Officer
Medical Faculty Student Representative at University Level
2004-2005 IFMSA Regional Coordinator for Europe and Central Asia
since 2004 Member of the Teaching Evaluation Commission
2005-2007 Member of the Student Activity Commission
Member of the European Convergence Commission
2005-2006 Vice-President IFMSA Spain
President AIEME-Valladolid
2005-2007 Steering Group member of "Youth for a life free of tobacco?" HELP! Campaign
2006-2007, 2008-2009 IFMSA Focal Point to the European Youth Forum
2007-2008 President IFMSA-Spain
Contact Group member of "Youth for a life free of tobacco" HELP! Campaign
2007-2010 APYN Institutional Follow-up Director
2008-2009 Task Force on Youth Specific Aspects of Alcohol, EU Alcohol & Health Forum
2009-2011 RAYPRO Advisory Board, EC EU Alcohol & Health Forum
2009-2013 DG SANCO Stakeholder Dialogue Group Member
since 2011 Board Member of the Alliance House Foundation/Institute of Alcohol Studies
since 2012 Member, Monitoring Board, Alcohol Policy Youth Network


IFMSA - International Federation of Medical Students' Associations
Alliance House Foundation
Institute of Alcohol Studies, Board Member
APYN Alcohol Policy Youth Network


Honorary Life Member of IFMSA-Spain