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Nevena VUKSANOVIC Member, Executive Committee 2013-14, European Students' Union, Brussels


2010-2011 Teacher, University of Belgrade
2011-2013 Member, National Team for creating the Law on student organizing
  Coordinator, research and development of the Students Mentors Pool, WP5, SIGMUS project, Students Union of Serbia, University of Belgrade
2011-2014 Executive Committee Member, and Content Coordinator, Student Advancement of Graduates Employability project, European Students Union
since 2012 Delegate to the ad-hoc working group on the ECTS Users Guide revision, European Students Union
  Delegate and policy maker in the Structural Working Group of the Bologna Follow Up Group, European Students Union
2013 Co-drafting of the ECTS Users Guide (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Culture


Structural Working Group of the BFUG
Working Group on the revision of the ECTS Users' Guide
Network of National Correspondents for Qualifications Frameworks (QF-EHEA)
EQF Advisory Group


Malnes M., Vuksanovi N., Simola M.: Bologna With Student Eyes, The European Students' Union, 2012
Koncept U enja Orijentisanog na Studenta i Studentsko Mentorstvo u Srbiji: Priru nik za Studente, Nastavno Osoblje i Visokoobrazovne Institucije (Concept of Student Centred Learning and Student Mentoring in Serbia: Toolkit for Students, Teachers and Higher Education Institutions), University of Belgrade, 2013
Employability With Students' Eyes, The European Students' Union, 2014