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BA B.Sc. Nick FAHY EU Health Policy Expert, Nick Fahy Consulting Ltd., Oxford


1994-1996 European fast stream administrator, Department of Health, London
1996-1997 Ministerial Private Secretary, Department of Health, London
1998-2000 Detached National Expert on Social Protection and Social Inclusion, European Commission, Brussels
2000-2002 Consumer Protection Administrator, European Commission, Brussels
2002-2007 Deputy Head of the Health Strategy Unit/Health Taskforce, European Commission, Brussels
2007-2010 Head of the Health Information Unit, European Commission, Luxembourg
since 2010 Independent Consultant


Member, British Psychological Society
Member, Scientific Advisory Committee of the European Health Management Association


Greer, S.L., Fahy, N., Elliott, H.A., Wismar, M., Jarman, H., Palm, W.: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About European Union Health Policies But Were Afraid to Ask, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Brussels, 2014
Political and Ethical Considerations, in: Cragg L., Davies M., Macdowall W. (eds): Health Promotion Theory, second edition, Open University Press, Maidenhead, 2013, pp. 49-62
Czabanowska, Smith T., de Jong N., Fieldsend G., Lohrmann C., O'Conner S., Johnson D., Michelsen K., Mundy T., Rethmeier K.A., Stankunas M., Skirmante S., Sumskas L., Fahy N., Whitfield, Leadership for Public Health in Europe (Teacher's handbook), Maastricht University, Maastricht, 2013
Briefing on Current and Future Developments in European Union Policy and Practice in Healthcare, Health Services Management Research: an Official Journal of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration/HSMC, AUPHA, 25(3), 2012, pp. 152-153