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1999 - up to present, March 2006 Adviser on Roma and Sinti Issues of the Contact Point for Roam and Sinti Issues, Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights , Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
 Permanant Employement:
 Senior researcher, Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy, 1972- 1999,on
 Second employment:
 Activist and Coordinator of projects in Romani CRISS-
 Rom Center for Social Intervention and Studies,
 a civic , non-profit body established, in 1993,
 by the Institute of Sociology-Bucuresti, Centre des Recherches Tsiganes-Paris, Ethnic Federation of Roma in Romania.
 Filed of work, expertize:
 Romani movement; Community development in Roma settings; , Roma and Sinti studies;
  Inter-ethnic relations , mainly Roma-majority population.
 Rural Sociology.


Member of the Council for Inter-ethnic Accord of the Project on Ethnic Relations
( Princenton, USA), since 1991; Member of the PER Advisory Council on Roma
Member of the Board of Directors of the European Roma Rights Center, established in Budapest, in 1996.
Romanian Association for Human Rights-Helsinki Committe, Vice-president,
Civil servant in the Government's employ
Member of the Minority Commission of the Provisional Government of Romania, February-June 1990.


2006, From slaves to citizens: the public discourse on the abolishment of Roma slavery ( "robie") in the Romanian Principalities at the middle of the XIXth century.
°Freundeberg Stiftung informiert
Andàs Biro, Nicolae Gheorghe, Herbert Heuss, Jennifer Tanaka
Toward a Pakiv European Roma Fund
Income-generating programmes for roma in Central and eastern Europe
Report commissioned by the Council of Europe and Frendenberg Foundation ,May 1998
°Public Policies Concerning Roma and Sinti in the OSCE Region
OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting , October 1998,
Background Paper 4, OSCE/ODIHR,
By Nicolae Gheorghe and Jennifer Tanaka,
Romani CRISS and The Project on Ethnic Relations.
Looking at Human Security in a Regional Context-The Situation of the Roma and Sinti in the OSCE,
Nicolae Gheorghe and Jennifer Tanaka ,Romani CRISS
OSCE ODIHR 15 October 1997 , Warsaw, Poland
OSCE Human Dimension Implementatin Meeting
November 12-28, 1997
°Gheorghe,Nicolae : The social construction of Rom identity.
în Gypsy politics and Traveller identity
edited by Thomas Acton ,London, 1997
°Gheorghe Nicolae , Andrej Mirga PER Report Rroma in the XXI century A Policy paper ,Princeton ,SUA, 1997
Translated in Romanian, 1997; Serbian, 1997; Finnish, 1998;
°Nicolae Gheorghe, Fabienne Lenoir-Rousseau:
A Human Rights Approach to the Specific Situation of Roma in Romania
in :
Roma, Gypsies, Travellers. East/West: Regional and Local Policies
International Study Conference Rome, 20-26 september 1991, Pavee Point Publications, Dublin, 1997, pg. 78-86.
( originally pubished in italian, Lacio Drom, 1992; de tradus în româneste)
Jean-Pierre Liégeois, Nicolae Gheorghe,: Romii, o minoritate europeana, translation in Romanian and Hungarian , Bucuresti, 1997.
Jean-Pierre Liegeois, Nicolae Gheorghe:
Roma, Tsiganes d Europe , Groupement pour les Droits de Minoroté, Paris, 1996.
Jean-Pierre Liegeois, Nicolae Gheorghe,
Roma/ Gypsies: A European Minority, Report of Minority Rights Group International , London , 1995
Gheorghe, N si Thomas Acton,
Dealing with Multiculturality: Minority, Ethnic, National and Human Rights
OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, BULLETIN, Spring 1995, Vol. 3 No. 2, Warsaw.
(Reprodus dupa " Les Tsiganes dans les Communes.Rapport du Colloque tenu a Liptowski Mikulas, Slovaqui, 15-17 Octobre, 1992,
Publications du Conseil de l'Europe, pg; 95-110, Strasburg
N Gheorghe, Marcel Kourtiade, Jean-Pierre Liegeois
La impunidad de violencia colectiva contra los gitanos en Rumania, în I tchacipen,Instituto Romano de Servicios Sociales y Culturales, nr.12, 1995
Rencontre avec Nicolae Gheorghe, sociologue, secrétaire général de la Fédération des Roms de Roumanie.Interview réalisée par Jacqueline Charlemagne
Etudes Tsiganes , 1993.
Gheorghe, Nicolae : Zwischen Emanzipation und Diskriminierung: historische und aktuelle Aspekte der rumanishen  Roma-Frage ,
in Halbjahrressechrift, Fur sudosteuropaische Geschichte, Literatur und Politik, 1992, AGK -Verlag
Gheorghe N , Roma-Gypsy ethnicity in Eastern Europe, in Social Research, vol 58, 4, 1991
Gheorghe N , L etnicité des Tsiganes et les processus de transition en Europe de l est, Etudes Tsiganes, 2,1993
Gheorghe,N: The Origin of Gypsies salvery in the Romanian Principalities, Roma, 1982