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Dr. habil.art. Ojars SPARITIS Vice-Rector of Lativan Art Academy


 Post Doctoral stdies at the University of Kiel, Germany1994,
 Doctoral studies at Latvian Art Academy 1991.-1994.,
 Studies in Art History at Latvian Art Academy 1982.-1987.
 Studies of Phylology at Latvian University 1974.-1979.
 Dr. art. - since 1997.
 Dr. habil. art.- since 1998.
 Editor at Scientific Library of Latvian Academy of Sciences 1979.-1981.,
 Inspector of the Council for Protections of Monuments of Culture and Environment 1981.-1986.,
 Lecturer, Docent, Vice-Rector, Chief of the Dept. for Art History, Chief for Dept. for Doctoral studies of Latvian Art Academy - 1986 - up to now.
 Minister of Culture 1995.-1996.
 Art Theory and history of Latvia in context of European culture, preservation of cultural heritage, church renovation, culture of national minorities of Latvia, public monuments and decorative sculpture in urban environment.


Corresponding member of Latvian Academy of Sciences - since 1999
Chair of Latvian Council for Protection Monuments of culture and Environment,
Member of Artists Union,
Chair of Latvian-German society for culture "Domus Rigensis",
Chair of the Council for Public monuments and sculpture at Riga Municipality


7 monographs, ower 100 articles in theory and history of Latvian art and architecture, ower 50 articles in questions of protection of monuments of culture, art education and aspects of cultural politics. Participance in ower 40 scientific conferences in Latvia and abroad.