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M.A. Olivier RUCHET Deputy Director, Euro-American Campus, Sciences Po Paris, Reims


since 2004 Lecturer in Political Science and European Studies, Sciences Po, Paris
2005-2006 Canada Research Fellow, University of Toronto, Canada
2010 Visiting Fellow, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin/European Science Foundation, Berlin
2010-2013 Lecturer in the Euromasters programme, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences, Berlin
2011 Research Fellow, Turkey Project, European Stability initiative (ESI), Paris/Istanbul
since 2011 Deputy Director, Sciences Po Euro-American campus, Reims


Le Pluralisme et les incertitudes de la culture: la justification des politiques de reconnaissance dans l'oeuvre de Will Kymlicka, Archives de Philosophie du droit, no. 49, 2005, pp. 213-34
Dans le dos du pouvoir. Entretien avec James C. Scott, with Gilles Chantraine, Vacarme 42, Winter 2008, pp. 4-12
The New European Peace Order after 1989, In: The Oxford International Encyclopaedia of Peace, 4 vols., Dir. Nigel Young, Oxford University Press, 2010
Cultural Diversity, European Identity and Legitimacy of the EU: A Review, In: Hans-Dieter Klingemann et Dieter Fuchs (Dir.), Cultural Diversity, European Identity and the Legitimacy of the EU, Cheltenham Glos, UK, Edward Elgar, 2011