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Ollivier BODIN Co-Manager with the World Bank Representative of the EC/World Bank Joint Office for SEE


1969-1974 studies in economics at the Alfred Weber Institut, University of Heidelberg
1974-1979 assistent for economics at the Alfred Weber Institut, University of Heidelberg
1979-1981 Employed by the Berliner Handels und Frankfurter Bank, Francfort
since 1981 Official of the European Commission.
1981-1999 Various functions in the Directorate General for Economic and Financial affairs, including Head of Unit for developing and Western Balkan countries in the directorate for international affairs.
since 1999 Advisor for financial issues in the directorate responsible for the relations with the Western Balkans (DG Enlargement) and co-manager of the Joint Euroepan Commission-World Bank office for South East Europe.