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Dr. techn., EMBA Otto PROHASKA Vorsitzender des Vorstandes, OttoConsulting, LLC, Brooklyn


1988-1994 OttoSensors Corp., Cleveland, OH; Founder, Chairman and VP Technology. Headed development of micro-sensor devices for on-line blood gas monitoring; supervised mass-production manufacturing facility; planned business strategy; raised start-up funds.
1994-1998 Giner, Inc., Waltham, MA; Biomedical R&D and business planning.
1998-2003 PerkinElmer Life & Analytical Sciences, Shelton CT; Acquisition of new technologies; internal business planning; product development with cross-functional teams and customers.
2003-2005 Executive MBA Study and Consulting
since 2006 OttoConsulting LLC., Brooklyn CT.; Founder and President; Consulting on validation and commercialization of technologies, on business and incubator planning, on corporate partnership formation, and on finance and start-up fund raising. Clients: University of Connecticut: technology transfer; Putnam, CT: incubator set-up; Austrian Research Centers: technology transfer.
 Academic positions in Austria, Germany, The Netherlands, USA.


ACS American Chemical Society
AIChE American Institute of Chemical Engineers
NBIA National Business Incubation Association
Rotary International


Most recent publication:
Early BioMems Multi-Sensor Neuroprobes; in BioMEMS; Ed. G.A. Urban, Springer, 2006.
16 National and international patents; 2 patents pending.
Three most recent patents:
US Patent 7,013,707 (2006) Method and apparatus for enhanced detection of a specie using a gas chromatograph.
US Patent 6,955,750 (2005) Electrochemical sensor compensated for relative humidity.
US patent 6,936,147 (2005) Hybrid film type sensors.


Viktor Kaplan and Theodor Koerner Awards, Austria
Leonardo da Vinci Prize, Rotary International
Distinguished Professorship, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Beta Gamma Sigma International Honor Society