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Dr. Otto TRIFFTERER Österreichisches und Internationales Strafrecht, Universität Salzburg


1961 Second State Law Exam (Zweite juristische Staatsprüfung, Assessorexamen)
1962 Admission to the Bar in Karlsruhe, Germany
1962-1970 Assistant of the Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Freiburg
1963 Dr. iur utriusque
1970 Assistent Professor for criminal law (Akademischer Rat), Faculty of Law, Freiburg University,
1971 Senior Assistent Professor for criminal law (Akademischer Oberrat), Faculty of Law, Freiburg University
1972 Cooperation with the Mission of the People's Republic of Bangladesh in Geneva, drafting the "War crimes Tribunal Order 1972"
1971-1972 Substituting the Chair for Criminal Law and Criminology at the University of Kiel, Faculty of Law, teaching there also international criminal law and procedure
1972 Appointed scientific fellow and professor for German and International Criminal Law and Procedure, Faculty of Law, Bielefeld University, Germany
1973 Full Professor for Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and International Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, Justus-Liebig-University Gießen, Germany
1977-1978 Temporary President and Rektor, University of Gießen
 Since 1979 Full Professor of Austrian and International Criminal Law and Procedure, Faculty of Law, University of Salzburg,
1988-1990 University of Innsbruck, Full Professor of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminology
1993-1999 Dean, Faculty of Law, Salzburg University
 Since 1999 Professor emeritus for Austrian and International Law and Procedure, Faculty of Law, University of Salzburg, lecturing six hours a week on international and comparative criminal law
 Scientific Director, Salzburg Law School on International Criminal Law, International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law
 Since 1971 Lecturing in the fields of German and Austrian criminal law and procedure as well as on international criminal law, comparative criminal law and the protection of human rights in substantive and procedural criminal law
1979-2002 "Ständiger Mitarbeiter" Zeitschrift für Kriegs- und Wehrrecht
 Since 2003 Advisory Editor for Leiden Journal of International Law


Since 1998 Member of the European Academy of Science and Art
2000-2006 Chairman of the Independent Commission of the Council of Human Rights (Menschenrechtsbeirat) for the States of Salzburg and Upper-Austria (Oberösterreich)
Honorary President of the Austrian Research Institute for Post War Justice, Vienna


2003 Österreich, mit dem Vollzug des Völkerstrafrechts in Verzug? Theorie und Praxis, in: Pilgermair (Hrsg.), FS-Steininger, 387-421.
2004 Hans Heinrich Jeschecks Einfluss auf die Entwicklung des Völkerstrafrechts und auf dessen Durchsetzung, ZStW 116, Heft 4, , 959-998.
2005 Die Relativierung der These von der Kriminalisierung der Oberschicht und zur Notwendigkeit kriminalpolitischer Visionen, in: Hefendehl (Hrsg.), Symposium für Bernd Schünemann zum 60. Geburtstag, 297-303.
2006 Ius in bello: Eskalation durch "Kollateralschäden" wie durch Kriegsverbrechen - Beweisbarkeit und Vermeidbarkeit? In: Moos et al. (Hrsg.), Festschrift für Roland Miklau, 559-584.