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Paul COLLIER Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford


1998-2003 Director of the Development Research group at the World Bank
2005 Senior adviser to Blair s Commission on Africa, addressed the General Assembly of the UN, given a seminar at 10 Downing St.
 Professor Associate of CERDI, Université d'Auvergne; Fellow of the CEPR, London


2004 "Do African manufacturing firms learn from exporting?", Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 40 (3), pp. 115-141
2005 "Adjustment costs, irreversibility and investment patterns in African manufacturing", Topics of Economic Analysis & Policy
2005 "Primary commodities and Africa s future", in B. Pleskovic and N. Stern, (eds.), The New Reform Agenda: Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics 2000, Oxford: Oxford University Press
"The economic history of Africa, 1900-90", in Encyclopedia of Africa


Distinction Award from Oxford University
Edgar Graham Prize