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LL.M. Pavel TELICKA Partner, BXL Consulting, Brussels


1986 graduation from the Law Faculty at the Charles University in Prague
Unit of public international law at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1988 Unit of private international law and in two years time became legal adviser within the CSFR delegation for the negotiations on the Europe Agreement on Association
1991-1995 different positions at the Czechoslovak/Czech Mission to the European Communities in Brussels, including the ones of Deputy Head and Head of Mission
1995 became Director of the European Communities Department and the following year Director General of the Integration Section (EC, NATO, UN) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1998 appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and shortly after Chief Negotiator for the accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union
1999 promoted to I Deputy Minister and appointed State Secretary for European Affairs
2002 Ambassador and Head of Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the European Communities
2004 nominated by the Czech Government for the post of Commissioner
co-founded BXL Consulting with offices in Prague and Brussels
2005 joined the European Policy Centre (EPC) as a Senior Advisor on an external basis
appointed European Coordinator for one of the priority projects within TEN-T for the railway network Rail Baltica


Member of supervisory board of the Tomas Bata Foundation, since 1997
Honorary member of managing board of the National Training Fund, 1999-2003
Honorary member of the Centre of Good Will, where he has been personally involved in charity project called "Signed by heart" supporting disabled children, 2001
Member of Board of Directors of Notre Europe association, since 2005


How have we been entering?, with Karel Bartak, 2003


In 2003, he was awarded by President Vaclav Havel a Medal for significant contribution to the integration of the Czech Republic to the European Union and the same year the Medal of king Jiri z Podebrad for fostering peace, security and development of mutual understanding among European nations together with commemorative medal.