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DDr. Peter A. BRUCK Chief Executive Officer; and Chief Researcher, Reserach Studios Austria; Chairman World Summit Award; Cchief Executive Officer, KnowledgeFox, Salzburg


1968-1974 Studies in law, social and economic sciences at the University of Vienna, Graduation with a Doctorate in Laws and an abs. rer. soc. oec.
1970-1973 Leadership training at EIT - European Institute for Transnational Studies in Group and Organisational Development
1975-1976 Studies in Sociology at the University of Iowa, Iowa City (Fulbright Scholar)
1977 Visiting Scholar at Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna Summer Research Fellow on  Sociolinguistic Aspects of Sociological Research
1976-1982 Ph.D. studies in Communication at McGill University, Montreal, Canada
1980 Visiting Scholar at International Summer Institute for Semiotic and Structural Studies, Victoria College, University of Toronto
1983 Visiting Scholar at Summer School on Cultural Studies, Faculty of the Humanities, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
1995-1997 Founder and 1st Academic President of Salzburg University of Applied Sciences TechnoZ-FH, Salzburg, Austria
1995-2000 CEO and Chief Researcher of Salzburg Research GmbH Center of Excellence in New Media and Advanced Networking Technologies
2000-2002 Chief Content Officer of Telekom Austria Group Member of Board of Management and Head of Business Unit Interactive Media of Jet2Web Internet Services GmbH, the market leading ISP
2007-2013 CEO and Chief Researcher, RESEARCH STUDIOS AUSTRIA Forschungsgesellschaft mBH
  RTD organisation managing innovation transfer from universities to market - National network to transfer basic and applied research to market for e-Technologies, Internet and New Media including Data Analytics, Pervasive Computing Applications, Smart Agent Technologies, Geo-informatics.
 Since 2013 Founder and CEO of KnowledgeFox GmbH, Vienna, Austria Start-Up company pioneering MicroLearning solutions for mobile and online


(2013) Social Innovation and the Power of Technology (with Martina A. Roth); in: Osburg, Thomas; Schmidpeter, René (Eds.). Social Innovation. Solutions for a Sustainable Future. Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London: Springer
(2013) Global Mobile: Applications and Innovations for the Worldwide Mobile Ecosystem (Ed. with Madanmohan Rao), Medford, NJ & New York: Information Today Inc., (forthcoming: 30. April 2013)
(2013) Digital Media - Shifting Landscapes: Embracing change, enhancing learning, innovating the future (with Jak Boumans, Cai Melakoski / Richard Vickers) Heidelberg- New York-Tokyo: Springer International (forthcoming spring 2013)
(2012) MicroLearning & Mobile Ecology. Increasing the Effectiveness of Technology Enhanced Learning. (Author and Editor), Proceedings of the 4th International Microlearning 2011 Conference.


Renner Preis für Publizistik
Max Kreise Award, International Institute of Education, New York
Bundesverdienstkreuz für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Österreich
Doktor Honoris Cause, University of St- Cyril and Method, Trnava, Slovakei