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Dr. Peter BLUMAUER State Police Service, Federal Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Austria


1973 - 78 studied Law at the University of Vienna
 Professional Background:
1978 Contractual employee of the Federal Ministry of the Interior
-84 working within Division II76 of the State Police Service which is responsible for general State-Police related matters, then nominated Head of the subdivision responsible for intelligence-related matters within Division II/7 (State Protection)
1983- Tenured civil servant
1986 Promotion to the rank of Oberkommissär (2nd level in the academic civil service)
1989 Promotion to the rank of Rat (3rd level)
1993 Promotion to the rank of Oberrat (4th level)
1994 Nomination as Deputy to the Head of Division
1998 Promotion to the rank of Ministerialrat (senior civil servant)
 Chairman of the Council working party on terrorism (3rd pillar) during the Austrian Presidency of the European Union (until Dec 31, 1998)
2001- Interim Head of Division II/C/7


1991 Award of silver medal of honour by the Austrian Federal President in recognition of "the services to the Republic of Austria"