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Peter FAROSS Secretary General, UEAPME - European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Brussels


1976-1979 Industry Policy Department, Ministry of Economics
1979 DG Energy, Oil Market Division, European Commission
1982-1983 Energy Policy Department, Ministry of Economics
1984-1991 DG Energy, Energy Policy Division, European Commission
1991 Head of Sector, Energy and Environment (DG XVII), European Commission
1993 Head of Unit, Functioning of the Internal Market (DG XVII-A-3), European Commission
1996 Head of Unit, General Policy (DG XVII-A-1), European Commission
2000 Head of Unit, General Policy and Inter-Institutional Relations (DG TREN-A-1), European Commission
2002 Head of Unit, Economic Regulation in Air Transport (DG TREN-F-1), European Commission
2004 Head of Unit, Services of General Economic Interest, Users’ Rights and Infringements (DG TREN-A-5), European Commission
2008 Director, Nuclear Energy (DG TREN-H/ENER-D), European Commission
2010 Acting Deputy Director-General (DG ENER), European Commission
2013 retired from European Commission
2014 Secretary General, UEAPME - European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Brussels