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Peter GRÜNENFELDER Director, Avenir Suisse, Zurich


 Economic studies at the University of St. Gallen. Longer stays in the US and New Zealand. Dissertation on the topic of "Die Rolle der Politischen Führung im Rahmen des New Public Management", supervised by Prof. Ernst Buschor.
 Professional experience:
 State Chancellor of the Canton of Aargau (2004-2016), also President of the Swiss State Chancellor's Association since 2012 (Vice-President before 2012). Member of the governing body of the Foundation for Federal Cooperation and Secretary General of the Swiss Society of Administrative Sciences. Lecturer for public governance at the University of St. Gallen as well as frequent visiting lecturer at universities in Switzerland and abroad. Secretary General of the Police Department of the City of Zurich and Delegate for Administrative Reform of Zurich's City Council (2001 -2004). Personal advisor to Cantonal Councillor Ernst Buschor. Head of administrative reforms in the Canton of Zurich (1998-2001). In charge of several administrative reform projects of the Canton of Zurich (1997-1998). Political Secretary of the Swiss Free Democratic Party (FDP) (1996-1997). Staff member of the Christchurch City Council, New Zealand (1995). Member of the editorial team for the magazine Schweizer Arbeitgeber (1994-1995). Member of several national and international expert committees on reforms in public management.


Föderalismus im Lackmustest, Gastbeitrag zur Föderalismusdebatte, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 4. November 2014
Volksinitiativen als Impulsgeber, Gastkommentar zur Direktdemokratie, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 15. April 2013, 25. Oktober 2013
Direkte Demokratie und Bürgerbeteiligung: Vorbild Schweiz? In: Mehr Direkte Demokratie - Impulse für Salzburg und Österreich. Salzburg Geschichte & Politik, Mitteilungen der Dr. Hans Lechner-Forschungsgesellschaft, 22. Jahrgang, September 2012
Verstärkung der strategisch-politischen Führung ist angezeigt, Gastbeitrag für die Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 15. April 2010


Recipient of the Grand Decoration of Honour in Gold with Star for Services to the Republic of Austria.