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Peter J. RICHERSON Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, U.C. Davis


1965 B.S. (Entomology)
Student at Marine Biology Laboratory
1967 TeVega Program, Stanford University
1969 Ph.D. (Zoology), University of California, Davis
1967-1969 N.S.F. Pre-doctoral Fellow
1969-1971 Postdoctoral Researcher, U.C., Davis
1971-1977 Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies, U.C. Davis
1977-1983 Associate Professor
1977-1980 Associate Director, Institute of Ecology
1983-1990 Director
1977-1978 Visiting Professor, Energy and Resources Program, U.C: Berkeley
1984 Forestry and Environmental Studies, Duke University
1991 Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Bielefeld, Germany


Human Behaviour and Evolution Society
Society for Human Ecology
International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology
Phi Beta Kappa


1985 Boyd, R. and Richerson, P.J. "Culture and the Evolutionary Process", University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 330 pp.
2001 Boyd, R., Richerson, P.J. and Bettinger, R.L. "Was Agriculture Impossible During the Pleistocene But Mandatory During the Holocene? A Climate Change Hypothesis", American Antiquity 66: 387-411
Baum, W., Richerson P.J., Pacionti, B. and Efferson, C. In press "An experimental model of cultural evolution including both verbal and nonverbal traditions", Evolution and Human Behavior
2004 Boyd, R. and Richerson, P.J. "Not By Genes Alone: How Culture Transformed Human Evolution", University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Fall


1984 Guggenheim Fellow
1984 Endemic fish, Orestias richersoni Parenti named to recognize contribution to Lake Titicaca limnology
1989 J.I. Staley Prize of The School of American Research (with R. Boyd) for contributions to the human sciences
2001 Proclamation of Commendation for applied limnology and service, Lake County CA Board of Supervisors