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Prof. Dr. Peter Michael HUBER Former Minister of the Interior; Justice, Federal Constitutional Court of Germany, Karlsruhe


1991 Professor for Public Law, University of Augsburg
1992 Professor; Chair of Constitutional and Administrative Law, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena
1995-1998 Member of the German Bundestag s Study Commission for the Overcoming of the Consequences of the SED Dictatorship in the Process of German Unity
1996-2002 Judge at the Higher Administrative Court (Oberverwaltungsgericht) of Thuringia (in addition to his regular duties)
2001 Professor; Chair of Public Law and Law of European Integration, Bayreuth University
Visiting Professor, University of Turku
2002 Professor; Chair of Public Law and State Philosophy, Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich
2006 Visiting Professor, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon
2007-2009 Member of the Constitutional Court (Staatsgerichtshof) of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen
2009 Visiting Professor, Università degli Studi di Cagliari
2009-2010 Minister of the Interior of the Free State of Thuringia
since 2010 Justice of the Federal Constitutional Court (Second Senate), Karlsruhe


Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer, 1991
Member of the Academy Gemeinnütziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt, 2000
Socio corrispondente of the Associazione italiana dei professori di diritto amministrativo, 2005
Member of Kuratorium of the Maximilianeum Foundation, 2007


Huber, P. M.: Anti-Discrimination Legislation - A Shift of Paradigm in the Protection of Human Rights?, in: Ziegler, S. K., Huber, P. M. (eds.), Current Problems in the Protection of Human Rights, S. 117 ff,soon in: OUP, 2013
Huber, P. M.: Markt vs. Recht, in: Flick, M. C. (ed.), Kollektiver Rechtsbruch - Gefahr für unsere Freiheit, S. 139 ff., Wallstein, 2013
Huber, P. M.: Plebiszite, in: Kube, H., Mellingshoff, R., Morgenthaler, G., Palm, U., Puhl, T., Seiler, C. (ed.), Leitgedanken des Rechts, Paul Kirchhof zum 70. Geburtstag, § 60, § 651 ff., C.F. Müller, 2013
Huber, P. M.: Staat und Wissenschaft, Schöningh, 2008


Research Award for Basic Research from the Thuringian Ministry for Science, Research and the Arts, 1999
Research Professorship for Governance in the Multi-level System, 2008-2009