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Peter PACZOLAY President, Constitutional Court of Hungary, Budapest


1980 Law degree from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
1990-1996 Chief Counsellor to the President of the Constitutional Court
1991-1992 Research fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars, Washington D. C.
since 1992 Head of Department of Political Sciences, University of Szeged
1996-2000 Secretary-General of the Constitutional Court
2000-2005 Deputy Head of the Office of the President of the Republic
2005-2006 Head of the Office of the President of the Republic
2006 Judge of the Constitutional Court
2007 Vice-President of the Constitutional Court
2008 President of the Constitutional Court


Member of the Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) of the Council of Europe
Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (Salzburg)


Traditional elements in the constitutions of Central and East European democracies. in Martin Krygier and Adam Czarnota (eds.), The Rule of Law after Communism, Ashgate-Dartmouth, Aldershot-Brookfield USA, 1999, pp. 109-130
Constitutional Principles and Hungary’s Accession to the European Union. In: Mario Ganino Gabriella Venturini (eds.), Europe Tomorrow: Towards the Enlargement of the Union. Milano, Dott. A. Giuffré Editore, 2001, pp. 195-202
Les méthodes nouvelles de protection des minorités, In: L’ unité et la diversité de l’ Europe. Les droits des minorités (Les examples belge et hongrois). Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2003. (Centre d’ Études Constitutionnelles et Administratives 25.) pp. 109-123


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