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Dr. Péteris ZILGALVIS Council of Europe, Deputy Head of Bioethics Division


1990-1992 Chief Counsel - Latvian Ministry of Environment
1992 Consulting for the European Commission and Institute for European Environmental Policy
1992-1993 Desk Officer for the European Parliament, U.N., UNEO and UNESCO - Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1993-1996 Regional Environmental Specialist - The World Bank
1996-1997 Senior Foreign Environmental Law Advisor - The World Bank/Russian Federation Environmental Management Project
 Seit 1997 Deputy Head of the Bioethics Division - Council of Europe


State Bar of California
Editorial Board of the Baltic Yearbook of International Law
Staff Contributor - Likums un Tiesibas (Latvian Lega)
European Movement - Latvia


(et al.), Chapters on Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Environmental Impact Assessment, London 1994
(et al.), Societal, medical and ethical implications of cloning, European Commission, Luxembourg 1998
(et al.), Ethics Committees in Central & Eastern Europe, Foreword and Chapter on "The European Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, and Ethical Review of Biomedical Research", Bratislava 2000
(et al.), Freedom and Control of Biomedical Research Chapter on "The European Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine: Competition for the Declaration of Helsinki?", Berlin 2000