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Dipl.-Ing. Petra GRUBER PEEK Projekt - Programm zur Entwicklung und Erschließung der Künste, FWF - Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien


1985-1986 Study pharmacy and botany at the University Vienna
1986 Start study architecture at the Vienna University of Technology
since 1989 Collaboration with architecture offices: Rüdiger Lainer, Delugan-Meissl, Helmut Richter etc.
1995 founding of own office "hotpen"
1998-2006 Guest professorship for CAAD at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
1999 Diploma project Pomme d´Ivry, Institute for Building Technology and Design (with distinction)
2000 Collaboration with office Eichinger oder Knechtl EOK
2000-2008 University assistant at Department for Design and Building Construction, Vienna University of Technology
since 2002 Teaching of bionik - natural constructions
  1:1 Workshops in fabric and light construction, and biomimetic design programs
2005 Field trip to Nias, Indonesia, ongoing research project on vernacular architecture in Nias
2006 Study "Lunar Exploration Architecture - Deployable Structures for a Lunar Base" ESA
  Organisation of the symposium Traditional Architecture and Art in Nias, Indonesia
  Co-organisation and founding member of Austrian Bionik Kompetenznetz, Joanneum Research
2007 Research fellow at The Centre for Biomimetics in Reading, UK
  Founding Member of the society Bionik Austria (federal network of Bionik research and development)
2008 Dissertation Biomimetics in Architecture [Architekturbionik] - Architecture of Life and Buildings (with distinction)
  Participation in workshop Biomimicry Costa Rica
  Founding and coordination of TU BIONIK Center of Excellence
  Founding of transarch, office for biomimetics and transdisciplinary architecture
2009 Workshops and lectures in Biomimetics in Austria, Aserbaidschan and Saudi-Arabia
  Lectureship at Vienna University of Technology in vernacular architecture
  Lectureship at FH Villach in Bionics in Energy Systems
  Biomimetics Consultant of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology


TU Center of Excellence for Bionik/Biomimetics
Bionik Austria, board member
Biokon International, working group leader architecture and design
BIONIS network


Gruber,P.; Imhof, B.; Häuplik,S.; Özdemir, K.; Jeronimidis, G.; Waclavicek, R.: "Lunar Exploration Architecture - Deployable Structures for a Lunar Base"; Study for Alcatel Alenia Spazio, Italy, 2006
Gebeshuber, I.C.; Gruber, P.; Drack, M.: A gaze into the crystal ball - biomimetics in the year 2059, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci. 223(C12), 50st Anniversary Issue, 2899-2918, 2009
Gruber, P.: The signs of life in architecture, Bioinspiration and Biomimetics 2008, IOP
Gruber, P.: Biomimetics in Architecture PhD Thesis, in press, Springer, 2010


Anerkennungspreis Experimentelle Architektur, 2000