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Prof. Dr. Raffael KALISCH Head, Neuroimaging Center (NIC), Johannes Gutenberg University Medical Center Mainz


1993-1998 Studies of Human Biology (Theoretical Medicine), Marburg and Paris
1998-2002 PhD studies, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich
2002-2007 Postdoctoral studies, a.o. Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, University College London
2008-2012 DFG Emmy Noether research group leader, University Medical Center Hamburg
since 2012 Professor for Human Neuroimaging, University Medical Center Mainz
Head, Neuroimaging Center (NIC), Johannes Gutenberg University Medical Center Mainz
since 2015 Founding member, Deutsches Resilienz Zentrum (DRZ), Mainz
since 2016 Deputy spokesperson, DFG Collaborative Research Center 1193 "Neurobiology of Resilience"
Founding spokesperson, International Resilience Alliance intresa
since 2018 Coordinator, EU Horizon 2020 project "DynaMORE" (Dynamic MOdelling of REsilience)


Society for Neuroscience
Neurowissenschaftliche Gesellschaft
Organization for Human Brain Mapping


Kalisch, R., Müller, M. and Tüscher, O. (2015) A conceptual framework for the neurobiological study of resilience. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, pp.1-49.
Kalisch, R. et al. (2017) The resilience framework as a strategy to combat stress-related disorders. Nature Human Behaviourvolume, 1, pp.784-790.
Kalisch R. (2017) Der resiliente Mensch: Wie wir Krisen erleben und bewältigen Neueste Erkenntnisse aus Hirnforschung und Psychologie, Berlin Verlag, ISBN-13: 978-3827013507


EU Marie Curie Individual Fellowship
DFG Emmy Noether research group