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Dr. Rajendra Kumar PACHAURI Chair, IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; Director-General, TERI - The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi


1963 Graduate - Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London
1965-1967 Asst. Works Manager, Diesel Locomotive Works, Varanasi, India and other managerial positions
1966 Graduate, Institution of Production Engineers, London
1967-1968 On deputation from Government of India to Montreal Locomotive Works, Montreal
1968-1971 Works Manager (Engine Division), Diesel Locomotive Works, Varanasi, India
1972 MSc, Industrial Engineering (major), Economics (minor), North Carolina State University, Raleigh, N.C.
1974 PhD, Economics, and, PhD, Industrial Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, N.C.
1974-1975 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Business, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina
1975-1979 Member, Senior Faculty, Administrative Staff College of India, Bella Vista, Hyderabad
1976-1977 Visiting Faculty Member, Department of Economics and Business, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina
1979-1981 Director, Consulting and Applied Research Division Administrative Staff College of India, Bella Vista, Hyderabad, India
1981-1982 Visiting Professor, Resource Economics, College of Mineral and Energy Resources, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia
1982 Senior Visiting Fellow, Resources Systems Institute, East-West Center, Honolulu
1982-2001 Director & Chief Executive, TERI The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi
1990 Visiting Research Fellow, The World Bank, Washington DC
1994-1999 Adviser on Energy and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources to the Administrator, UNDP - United Nations Development Programme
since 1998 Chancellor, TERI University, New Delhi
2000 McCluskey Fellow and member of faculty, Yale University, New Haven
since 2001 Director-General & Chief Executive, TERI - The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi
since 2002 Chairman, IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
2009-2012 Director, Yale Climate and Energy Institute, New Haven
2009-2014 Professor in the Practice of Sustainable Development, Yale School of Forestry & Environment Studies, New Haven
since 2012 Senior Adviser, Yale Climate and Energy Institute, New Haven


Member, Global Science and Innovation Advisory Council set up the Prime Minister of Malaysia, since 2011
Member, Advisory Board for the Clinton Climate Initiative, since 2010
Member, Veolia Institute's Foresight Committee, The Institut Veolia Environnement, since 2008
Member, Prime Minister's Advisory Council on Climate Change (India), since 2007 (reconstituted in June 2008)


India's Youth and the Challenge of Sustainable Development. R Venkataraman: A Centenary Tribute. Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd. 2012. 172-178 pp
Business unusual: championing corporate social responsibility, Volume 2. R K Pachauri (ed.), The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi, 2007
Petroleum Pricing in India: balancing efficiency and equity. Neha Misra, Ruchika Chawla, Leena Srivastava and R K Pachauri, The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi, 2005
Business Unusual: championing corporate social responsibility, Volume 1. R K Pachauri (ed.), The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi, 2004


Commander of the Order of the White Rose of Finland, 2010
Commander of the Order of Leopold II, 2009
Nobel Peace Prize (IPCC under his Chairmanship along with former Vice President Al Gore), 2007
Officier De La Légion D'Honneur, 2006