Dr. Ralf WETZEL Associate Professor for Organization & Management, Vlerick Business School, Leuven
Vocational training as electrician & machine builder | |
Study of Business Administration, Chemnitz University of Technology & Humberside University Hull (UK) | |
Research associate, Institute for Innovation & Personnel Development | |
Associate of the Phd-programme "Sustainable regional development" Hans-Böckler-Foundation | |
Phd "A shrew and no taming. Disability in organizations, a sociological study" | |
Post Doc, Chemnitz University of Technology | |
Professor for Social Pedagogy & Work with Disabled People, University of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg (D) | |
Professor for Organisation & Management & head of Center for Management, Bern University of Applied Science (CH) | |
Professor for Organisation & Management, Vlerick Business School, Brussels (B) | |
Certified Practitioner for Applied Improvisation (Applied Improvisation Network, London) | |
Certified Management & Leadership Development Coach (Tavistock Institute, London) | |
Research Fellow Catholic University of Leuven (B), research group "Organization Studies" | |
Clown, Improvisational Theatre Player |
Applied Improvisation Network | |
European Group of Organisation Studies |
Wetzel, R.; Regber, H.; (2013): To Change or Not to Change? The Surprising Reality of Change in Organizations. Leuven: Lannoo Campus. | |
Roth, S.; Müller, K.; Wetzel, R (eds.) (2011): Non-Technological and Non-Economic Dimensions of National Innovation Systems. Special Edition, Journal for Innovation and Regional Development. | |
Wetzel, R., Van Renterghem, N. (2016): How To Access Organizational Informality: Using Movement Improvisation To Address Embodied Organizational Knowledge. Organizational Aesthetics. 5(1), 47-63. | |
Wetzel, R. (2015): 'Who am I and if yes, how many?' Notes on the myth of leadership authenticity. TAMARA. Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry. 13(1-2), 41-53. |