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Dr. Ralf WETZEL Associate Professor for Organization & Management, Vlerick Business School, Leuven


 Vocational training as electrician & machine builder
 Study of Business Administration, Chemnitz University of Technology & Humberside University Hull (UK)
 Research associate, Institute for Innovation & Personnel Development
 Associate of the Phd-programme "Sustainable regional development" Hans-Böckler-Foundation
 Phd "A shrew and no taming. Disability in organizations, a sociological study"
 Post Doc, Chemnitz University of Technology
 Professor for Social Pedagogy & Work with Disabled People, University of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg (D)
 Professor for Organisation & Management & head of Center for Management, Bern University of Applied Science (CH)
 Professor for Organisation & Management, Vlerick Business School, Brussels (B)
 Certified Practitioner for Applied Improvisation (Applied Improvisation Network, London)
 Certified Management & Leadership Development Coach (Tavistock Institute, London)
 Research Fellow Catholic University of Leuven (B), research group "Organization Studies"
 Clown, Improvisational Theatre Player


Applied Improvisation Network
European Group of Organisation Studies


Wetzel, R.; Regber, H.; (2013): To Change or Not to Change? The Surprising Reality of Change in Organizations. Leuven: Lannoo Campus.
Roth, S.; Müller, K.; Wetzel, R (eds.) (2011): Non-Technological and Non-Economic Dimensions of National Innovation Systems. Special Edition, Journal for Innovation and Regional Development.
Wetzel, R., Van Renterghem, N. (2016): How To Access Organizational Informality: Using Movement Improvisation To Address Embodied Organizational Knowledge. Organizational Aesthetics. 5(1), 47-63.
Wetzel, R. (2015): 'Who am I and if yes, how many?' Notes on the myth of leadership authenticity. TAMARA. Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry. 13(1-2), 41-53.