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Dr. Regina KREIDE Professor of Political Theory and History of Ideas, Institute of Political Science, Justus Liebig University Giessen


1987-1994 Dual studies in philosophy with social sciences and biology at Köln and Goethe University
1991 State Examination in Art and Biology, Goethe University
1994 MA in Social Sciences, Goethe University
1995-1996 Lecturer and Researcher at Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main
1997-1998 Visiting Scholar, Department of Philosophy, Columbia University, NY
1998-2000 Lecturer and Researcher at Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main
 8-9/2007 Visiting Lecturer at Universidad de Antioquia, Department of Philosophy, Medellin, Colombia
2000 Ph.D. in Philosophy, magna cum laude with the thesis: Human Rights and Citizenship: On the Justification of Social and Political Rights, Goethe University
2001-2007 Assistant Professor, Department of Social and Political Sciences, Goethe University
2007-2008 Senior lecturer, Social Science, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main
  Department of Social and Political Sciences, Goethe-University
2008-2009 Visiting Professor, Political Theory and History of Ideas, Institute of Political Science, Justus Liebig University Giessen
2009 Visiting Associate Professor and Theodor Heuss Lecturer, New School for Social Research
since 2010 Full Professor, Political and Social Theory and History of Ideas, and Chair, Justus Liebig University Giessen


Commissioner for the partnership between the University of Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda and Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, since 2010
Member of the DAAD-funded research and teaching project (Academic Partnership for Environment and Development Innovations in Africa), Working Group "Water: Ethics, Politics and Management", since 2010
Speaker of the Working Group "Politik und Geschlecht" - German Association of Political Science (DVPW), since 2010
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the series "Zeitgenössische Diskurse des Politischen", Nomos publisher, since 2011
Co-founder and editor of the Journal for Human Rights/Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte
Co-editor of the book series "Political Sociology", together with Hauke Brunkhorst, Nomos publisher


The Obligations of Transnational Corporations in the Global Context. Normative grounds, real policy, and legitimate governance. In: Èthique et Èconomique / Ethics and Economics, vol. 4 (2), 2007
Neglected Injustice: Poverty as a Violation of Social Autonomy. In: T. Pogge (ed.): Freedom from Poverty. Who Owes What to the Very Poor. Oxford, 155-183, 2007
Globale Politik und Menschenrechte. Macht und Ohnmacht eines politischen Instruments (Reihe "Campus Forschung"). Frankfurt a. M./New York, 2008
The Ambivalence of Juridification and Legitimate Governance in the International Context. In: Global Justice: Theory, Practice, Rhetoric 2, No. 1, 18-34, 2009
Habermas-Handbuch, together with Hauke Brunkhorst and Cristina Lafont, 2009
Preventing Military Humanitarian Intervention? John Rawls and Jürgen Habermas on a Just Global Order. In: Zumbansen, Peer/ Miller, Russell (eds.): Comparative Law as Transnational Law. Oxford, 93-107, 2011