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Richard G. WILKINSON Professor Emeritus of Social Epidemiology, Medical School, University of Nottingham


 Richard Wilkinson has played a formative role in international research on the social determinants of health and on the societal effects of income inequality. He studied economic history at LSE before training in epidemiology. He is Professor Emeritus of Social Epidemiology at the University of Nottingham Medical School, Honorary Professor at University College London (UCL) and a Visiting Professor at the University of York. Richard co-wrote The Spirit Level with Kate Pickett and is a co-founder of The Equality Trust.


Wilkinson RG, Pickett KE. Income inequality and health: A review and explanation of the evidence. Social Science and Medicine 2006; 62:1768-1784
Pickett KE, Wilkinson RG. Health and Inequality, Volumes I-IV. London: Routledge, Major Works in Health and Social Care, November 2008
Wilkinson R and Pickett K.The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better. London, Allen Lane, March 2009
Wilkinson RG, Pickett KE, de Vogli R. "A convenient truth?" Less consumerism, more innovation and and greater equality will increase the quality of life and promote sustainability. BMJ 2010; 341:c5816