Ph.D. Roberta SINATRA Assistant Professor, Center for Network Science, Central European University, Budapest
2002-2005 | Laurea Triennale (Bachelor equivalent) in Physics and Mathematics (summa cum laude), University of Catania |
Diploma di Licenza Triennale per l Eccellenza in Physics (summa cum laude), Scuola Superiore di Catania | |
2005-2007 | Laurea Specialistica (Master equivalent) in Theoretical Physics (summa cum laude), University of Catania |
2005-2008 | Diploma di Licenza Specialistica per l Eccellenza in Physics (summa cum laude), Scuola Superiore di Catania |
2008-2012 | Ph.D. in Physics (summa cum laude), University of Catania |
PhD Student with fellowship (dottorato di ricerca con borsa), Physics Department, University of Catania | |
2012-2014 | JSMF Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Center for Complex Network Research and Physics Department, Northeastern University |
2015-2016 | Research Assistant Professor at the Center for Complex Network Research and Physics Department, Northeastern University |
2014-2015 | Visiting Research Scholar, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School |
since 2016 | Assistant Professor at the Center for Network Science and Mathematics Department, Central European University, Hungary |
Visiting Research Assistant Professor at the Center for Complex Network Research, Northeastern University |
Assistant Professor, Central European University, Budapest (Hungary) | |
Visiting Research Assistant Professor, Northeastern University, Boston (MA, USA) | |
Member of Consiglio (Executive Board) of my Alma Mater Alumni Association (Scuola Superiore di Catania) |
R. Sinatra, D. Condorelli, and V. Latora, Networks of motifs from sequences of symbols, Physical Review Letters 105, 178702 (2010) | |
M. Szell, et al., Understanding mobility in a social petri dish, Scientific Reports 2, 457 (2012) | |
R. Sinatra et al., A century of physics, Nature Physics, 11(10), 791-796 (2015) | |
R. Sinatra et al., The randomness of your big hit: Quantifying patterns of individual scientific impact, in review in Science |
Awarded the Roberto Giordano prize in 2009, University of Catania | |
Fellow of the James S. McDonnell Foundation | |
Fellowship at Scuola Superiore di Catania |