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Ph.D. Roberta SINATRA Assistant Professor, Center for Network Science, Central European University, Budapest


2002-2005 Laurea Triennale (Bachelor equivalent) in Physics and Mathematics (summa cum laude), University of Catania
Diploma di Licenza Triennale per l Eccellenza in Physics (summa cum laude), Scuola Superiore di Catania
2005-2007 Laurea Specialistica (Master equivalent) in Theoretical Physics (summa cum laude), University of Catania
2005-2008 Diploma di Licenza Specialistica per l Eccellenza in Physics (summa cum laude), Scuola Superiore di Catania
2008-2012 Ph.D. in Physics (summa cum laude), University of Catania
PhD Student with fellowship (dottorato di ricerca con borsa), Physics Department, University of Catania
2012-2014 JSMF Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Center for Complex Network Research and Physics Department, Northeastern University
2015-2016 Research Assistant Professor at the Center for Complex Network Research and Physics Department, Northeastern University
2014-2015 Visiting Research Scholar, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School
since 2016 Assistant Professor at the Center for Network Science and Mathematics Department, Central European University, Hungary
Visiting Research Assistant Professor at the Center for Complex Network Research, Northeastern University


Assistant Professor, Central European University, Budapest (Hungary)
Visiting Research Assistant Professor, Northeastern University, Boston (MA, USA)
Member of Consiglio (Executive Board) of my Alma Mater Alumni Association (Scuola Superiore di Catania)


R. Sinatra, D. Condorelli, and V. Latora, Networks of motifs from sequences of symbols, Physical Review Letters 105, 178702 (2010)
M. Szell, et al., Understanding mobility in a social petri dish, Scientific Reports 2, 457 (2012)
R. Sinatra et al., A century of physics, Nature Physics, 11(10), 791-796 (2015)
R. Sinatra et al., The randomness of your big hit: Quantifying patterns of individual scientific impact, in review in Science


Awarded the Roberto Giordano prize in 2009, University of Catania
Fellow of the James S. McDonnell Foundation
Fellowship at Scuola Superiore di Catania