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Dr. Roland VERWIEBE Professor and Deputy Head of Department, Department of Sociology, University of Vienna


2009 Full Professor, Social Stratification Research and Quantitative Methods, Department of Sociology, University of Vienna
2011-2014 Organizer (PI), Marie Jahoda Summer School of Sociology
2011-2015 Head, Department of Sociology, University of Vienna
2013 Visiting Researcher, Department of Sociology, Columbia University, New York


Member, Appointing Committees for International Sociology, Life Course and Age (Head of the committee), Comparative Sociology, Urban Sociology (Head of the committee), Culture and Knowledge, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Vienna
ISA Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28)
The German Sociological Association (GSA) and The Austrian Sociological Association
Editorial Board of Central European Papers and Board Member of European Social Survey (Austrian section)


Troger, T., Verwiebe, R.: The role of education for poverty risks revisited: Couples, employment and profits from work-family policies, Journal of European Social Policy, 2015, forthcoming
Verwiebe, R. et al.: Austria - The Bastion of Calm? Stability and Change in Inequalities in Times of Welfare State Reforms and Employment Flexibilization, In: Salverda, W. et al. (Hg.): Changing Inequalities and Societal Impacts in Rich Countries: Thirty Countries' Experiences, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014, pp. 71-95
Verwiebe, R. (Ed.): Armut in Österreich, Bestandsaufnahme, Trends, Risikogruppen, Wien: Braumüller Verlag, 2011
Mau, S., Verwiebe, R.: European Societies, Mapping Structure and Change, Bristol: Policy Press, 2010