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Rudy PRIEM Senior Government Relations Manager for Security and Defense, Europe, United Technologies Corporation, Brussels


 Rudy joined the UTC Government Relations team in Brussels on April 1st, 2010. He is responsible for communicating the positions and concerns of UTC in matters of defense, space and security to European and NATO decision makers, as well as for monitoring and advising the business units of UTC on EU and NATO rulemaking and policy decisions.
 Prior to joining UTC, Rudy served as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Belgian Air Force. During his military career, Rudy dealt mainly with operational and acquisition logistics and he lived and worked twice in the USA (as F-16 Liaison Officer at Hill Air Force Base in Utah (1990-1994), and as Defense Cooperation Attaché and Director Belgian Military Supply Office (for FMS + DCS Purchases) in Washington, DC (2005- 2009). From 2005 to 2009, in Washington DC, Rudy was also the Head of the Belgian Delegation to the Defense MOU Attachés Group (DMAG) and founding member/first Chairman of the Foreign Procurement Group (FPG)’s Foreign Commercial Procurement Working Group (FCPWG). Rudy holds the Meritorious Service Medal for meritorious non-combat service to the U.S.
 Rudy is a 1984 graduate of the Belgian Royal Military Academy, where he obtained a master’s degree in Military and Aeronautical Sciences. In 2000, Rudy obtained a master after master’s degree in Public and Military Administration and earned both the Belgian Chief of Defense’s and the Belgian Joint Forces Staff College Alumni Association’s Prizes as best student. Rudy is also an alumnus of the 2011 European Session for Armament Officials (SERA) course in France and of the 2012 UTC Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) course at the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business.
 Rudy successfully completed several other courses in Belgium and abroad, including the NATO Logistics Course (NATO Logistics School - Hamburg - Germany), the Security Assistance Management Foreign Purchaser Course (Defense Institute for Security Assistance Management (DISAM) at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base - Ohio), the Logistical Support of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations Course (UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) - Dag Hammarskjöld Centre - New York) and the Basics of U.S. Commercial Contracting Course (Federal Publications Seminars - Washington DC).
 Since 2010, Rudy serves as the Deputy Head of the Belgian Delegation to the NATO Industrial Advisory Group (NIAG). He’s also a member of the Economic, Legal and Trade Commission at the Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD) and a member of the Security and Defense Committee at the American Chamber of Commerce to the EU.
 Rudy co-chaired two NIAG studies on Transatlantic Defense Technological and Industrial Cooperation (TADIC) and is author or co-author of several position papers and articles on total quality management, performance measurement and on the U.S. export control regime.