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Dr. Rupert GRAF STRACHWITZ Director, Maecenata Institute for Philantropy and Civil Society, Berlin


 Freelance writer, lecturer, and consultant to and about philantropy and civil society
1974-1975 Assistant to the Hospitaller, Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Rome
1976-1980 Regional Director for Bavaria, Order of Malta Ambulance Corps, Munich
1980-1987 President, The Duke of Bavaria's Administration
since 1987 Professional consultant, academic researcher, and author on philantropy and civil society
1989-2011 Founder and Managing Director, Maecenata Management, Munich
since 1997 Director, Maecenata Institute for Philantropy and Civil Society, an academic centre for not-for profit studies, Berlin
since 2010 Executive Director, Maecenata Foundation, a civil society think tank


Founding Member of the European Association of Consultants specialising in not-for profit organisations, Chairman from 1994-1997
since 1992 Member of the International Society for Third Sector Research
1993-2010 Council Member, Europa Nostra
1999-2002 German Federal Parliament Commission on Voluntary Action
2000-2007 Board Member, Fondazione Cariplo, Milan
since 2011 Fellow, Royal Society of Arts, London
since 2011 Vice-chair, German British Society, Berlin
since 2016 Vice-chair, Board of the ADAC Foundation


Approx. 500 publications (books, and articles in books, journals, and newspapers)


Italian Order of Merit (Cavaliere al merito della Repubblica Italiana), 1980
German Order of Merit (Verdienstkreuz am Bande des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland), 2008