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Mag. Dr. Sabine Theresia KÖSZEGI Professor of Labor Science and Organization, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna; Chair, Austrian Robotics Council; High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence, European Commission, Brussels


2000-2006 Assistant Professor, School of Business, Economics, and Statistics, University of Vienna
2003 Visiting Professor, University of Ottawa
2005 Guest Researcher, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne
2006 Guest Researcher, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan
Venia Docendi in Business Administration
2006-2008 Associate Professor, School of Business, Economics, and Statistics, University of Vienna
since 2009 Full Professor, Labour Science and Organisation, Institute of Management Science, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna
Academic Director, Professional MBA Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna
since 2017 Chair of the Austrian Council on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
since 2018 Member of the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence, European Commission, Brussels


Associate Editor of Group Decision and Negotiation Journal
VHB Association of University Professors of Management (Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V.)
EGOS European Group of Organization Studies
IACM International Association for Conflict Management


Koeszegi, S. T., Schmitz, S. & Enzenhofer, B: Quo Vadis Homo Oeconomicus? Analysis of Gendered Discourses in Economic Decision Making, 8th International Conference of Gender Work and Organization 2014 in Staffordshire, 2014
Hartner-Tiefenthaler, M., Gerdenitsch, C. & Koeszegi, S.T.: Remote Control for Remote Work? How Mobile Working Challenges the Organization of Control, International EGOS Colloquium 2014 in Rotterdam, 2014
Koria, R., Bartels, F. Andriana, L. & Koeszegi, S.T.: Effectiveness and Efficiency of National Systems of Innovation: The Importance of ICT, The Cases of Ghana and Kenya, in IST-Africa 2014 Conference Proceedings, 2014
Koeszegi, S. T.: Vertrauen in Virtuellen Unternehmen, Wiesbaden, Dt. Universitätsverlag, Gabler, 2001


Silbermayr-Price, University of Vienna, for the Dissertation "Trust in Virtual Organizations", 2001
Best Paper Award, EURO/INFORMS Section on Group Decision and Negotiation, Annual Meeting in Mt. Tremblant, Canada, 2007
Award for Innovative Teaching, Vienna University of Technology and University of Vienna (respectively), 2010 & 2001