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Dr. D.E.A Satu Kristiina PAASILEHTO Government Counsellor, Department for International Relations, Finnish Ministry of Education, Helsinki


1995-1999 Doctorate Student, Graduate School, University of Helsinki
1999-2001 Researcher, Academy of Finland
2001-2003 Legal Secretary / Legal Counsellor, European Law Unit, Ministry of Justice
2003-2005 Postdoctoral Researcher, Academy of Finland
since 2004 Finnish Editor of Retfaerd periodical
2006 Project Manager, Citizen Participation Policy Programme
since 2007 Government Counsellor, Department for International Relations, Ministry of Education


Member in the Finnish Academy Research Project - The paradoxes of Finnish gender power order: law, politics, and multi-level governance, 2007-2010


Constellations - A new approach to legal culture and European Integration of private law, doctoral dissertation, 2002