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Shani ELITZUR Ph.D. Student, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology; Finalist, 2015 Falling Walls Lab Berlin; Haifa


2013 Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, PhD Student at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. GPA:99.
2008-2013 Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, M.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering - Cum Laude (with Excellence). GPA: 92.7. Thesis Grade: 94. Thesis Subject: "Parametric Investigation of Hydrogen
2003-2007 Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, B.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering.
2013-2016 Teaching Assistant - Propulsion and Combustion Laboratory
2007-2012 Military Service, Rank: Captain


Elitzur, S., Rosenband, V., and Gany, A., "Study of Hydrogen Production and Storage Based on Aluminium-Water Reaction", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 39, 2014, pp. 6328-6334.
Elitzur, S., Rosenband, V., and GAny, A., "Electric Energy Storage Using Aluminium and Water for Hydrogen Production On-Demand", International Journal of Applied Science and Technology (IJAST), Vol. 5, No. 3, 2015, pp. 112-121
Gany, A., Elitzur, S., and Rosenband, V., "Compact Electric Energy Storage for Marine Vehicles Using On-Board Hydrogen Production", Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering (JSOE), Vol. 5, pp. 151-158.
Elitzur, S., Rosenband, V., and Gany, A., "Urine and aluminium as a source for hydrogen and clean energy", on line, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, June 2016.


1st Prize and Audience Favorite in "Challenge 2015" Student Competition for Innovative Ideas to Reduce the Use of Fossil Fuels for Transportation, "Clean Energy in Commercial Aircraft", EcoMotion, Tel Aviv-Jafa, May 27th, 2015.
1st Prize in Falling Walls Lab Israel 2015, Falling Walls Lab is a competition for young academics from all disciplines presenting innovative research projects in a 3-minute pitch. "Breaking the Walls of Hydrogen Energy", Technion, Haifa, September 3rd, 2015.
35d Prize in Falling Walls Lab Berlin 2015, the international competition between 100 finalists from around the world, "Breaking the Walls of Hydrogen Energy", Berlin, Germany, November 8th, 2015.
Ministry of Science Scholarship for PhD Students investigating alternative fuels for transportation, 2015.