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Prof. Dr. Shlomo AVINERI Professor of Political Science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem/Recurrent Visiting Professor, Central European University, Budapest


 Graduate of the Hebrew University and the London School of Economics
 Visiting appointments at Yale, Cornell, the University of California, Oxford, the Australian National University, Cardozo School of Law in New York and Northwestern University
 Visiting scholar at the Wilson Center, the Brookings Institution and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (all in Washington, D.C.) as well as the Institute of World Economics and International Relations (IMEMO) in Moscow
1975-1977 Director-General of Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the first government of Yitzhak Rabin
  Head of the Israeli delegation to the UNESCO General Assembly
1979 Member of the joint Egyptian-Israeli commission that drafted the Cultural and Scientific Agreement between the two countries
1990-1992 Member of international teams of observers, under the auspices of the National Democratic Institute, for the first post-communist elections in Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Estonia and Croatia as well as other NDI missions to Lithuania, Estonia, Slovakia, Azerbaijan, Albania and Georgia


Editorial Board, Political Theory
Editorial Board, The Review of Politics
Editorial Board, The Owl of Minerva
Editorial Board, Eastern European Politics and Societies
International Editorial Board of the edition of Marx-Engels Collected Works (MEGA)
Academic Board, Institut für die Wissenschaften des Menschen, Vienna


The Social and Political Thought of Karl Marx
Hegel's Theory of the Modern State
Israel and the Palestinians
The Making of Modern Zionism
Integration and Identity: Challenges to Europe and Israel, Bonn, 1999 (with Werner Weidenfeld, eds.)
Historical Introduction to the Hebrew Edition of Theodor Herzl´s Diaries, Jerusalem, 2001
English Translation, with Introduction of Moses Hess´ The Holy History of Mankind, Cambridge, 2004


Israel Prize, 1996
Dr. Honoris Causa, Cluj-Napoca University, 1997
Commander, Italian Order of Solidarity (Stella della Solidarità Italiana), 2009