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Dr. Simon GÄCHTER Professor for the Psychology of Economic Decision Making


1984-1990 Studium der Volkswirtschaft und Philosophie
1994 Doktorat VWL
1999 Habilitation in Volkswirtschaft an der Uni Zürich
2000-2005 Ordentlicher Professor an der Uni St. Gallen
seit 2005 Professor for the Psychology of Economic Decision Making, University of Nottingham


CESifo München
IZA Bonn
MacArthur Research Network Chicago


Cooperation and Punishment in Public Goods Experiment, American Economic Review, 2000
Altruistic punishment in humans, in: Nature 415, 2002
Moral Property Rights in Bargaining with Infeasible Claims, Management Science, 2005


Nationaler Latsis-Preis 2004 des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds