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MD Dr. Sonia SACHS Director, Health Sector, Earth Institute, Columbia University


 Sonia Ehrlich Sachs, is a pediatrician, an endocrinologist and public health specialist. She received a BA from Harvard University, an MD from the University of Maryland Medical School, and an MPH from Harvard School of Public Health. Since 2005, Dr. Sachs has led the effort at Columbia University’s Earth Institute to design and implement low-cost primary health systems in low-income rural Africa and India. Her focus is on systems delivery, primarily for improvement of maternal and child health, at local and national scales. Sachs coordinated the health sector of the Millennium Villages Project, an integrated rural development initiative in ten countries in sub-Saharan Africa, designed as a proof of concept to help poor rural communities accelerate reaching the Millennium Development Goals. Dr. Sachs is also the Director of the One Million CHW Campaign advocating for professionalized Community Health Workers.