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Dr. Stefan SCHÄFER Research Group Leader, IASS - Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam


2009-2012 Guest Researcher, Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions, WZB - Berlin Social Science Center
2012-2013 Project Scientist, IASS - Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam
2013-2015 Academic Officer and Co-Leader, Interdisciplinary Research Microcosm on Climate Engineering, IASS
since 2015 Program Leader, Emerging Technologies and Social Transformations in the Anthropocene, IASS
2017 Oxford Martin Visiting Fellow, InSIS - Institute for Science, Innovation and Society, University of Oxford
since 2017 Research Group Leader, Climate Engineering in Science, Society and Politics, IASS


Member of the Federation of German Scientists (Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler), 2016


Boettcher, M. and S. Schäfer. Reflecting upon 10 years of Geoengineering Research: Introduction to the Crutzen +10 Special Issue. Earth s Future, 2017
Schäfer, S. and S. Low. Asilomar Moments: Formative Framings in Recombinant DNA and Solar Climate Engineering Research. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 372, 2031, 2014
Schäfer, S., A. Maas, H. Stelzer and M. G. Lawrence. Earth's Future in the Anthropocene: Technological Interventions between Piecemeal and Utopian Social Engineering. Earth's Future 2, 4, 2014
Schäfer, S., P. J. Irvine and A. Maas. Bridging the Gaps in Interdisciplinary Research on Solar Radiation Management. GAIA 22, 4, pp. 242-247, 2013