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Stefano MANSERVISI Director-General, DG DEVCO - Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development, European Commission, Brussels


1973-1979 Law Degree. University of Bologna. Law Faculty (Bologna, Italy).
1979 Study Certificate on European Organisations. University of Strasbourg. International Faculty of Comparative Law, Strasbourg, France
1979-1980 Post Graduate - Specialised Higher Studies Diploma (DESS) on « International Administration ». University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne (Paris, France).
Diploma from the Centre for Studies on the European Communities. University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris, France
1980-1981 Lawyer. Castagnetti Associates law firm (Bologna, Italy).
1981-1983 « A » Official at the Italian Institute for Foreign Trade, Roma. Directorate Cooperation with developing countries and relations with International Organisation
1983-1987 Administrator. Directorate-General for Agriculture.
1987-1991 Administrator, Directorate-General for Development (ex DG VIII).
1991-1992 Principal Administrator, Member of Cabinet to Vice-President Pandolfi.
1993 Head of Unit Finances in the then DG VIII (later: DEV, DEVCO).
1993-1995 Member of Cabinet then Deputy Head of Cabinet to Commissioner R. VannidArchirafi.
1995-2000 Deputy Head then Head of Cabinet to Commissioner Monti.
2000-2001 Deputy Head of Cabinet to President Romano Prodi.
2001-2004 Head of Cabinet to President Romano Prodi.
2004-2010 Director General of DG Development and Relations with Africa, Caribbean, Pacific States (DEV)
2010- 2014 Director-General of Directorate General Home Affairs (HOME).
2014-2014 Ambassador, Head of Delegation,
 EU Delegation to Turkey
2014-2016 Head of Cabinet Federica Mogherini, Vice-President of the European Commission, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
since 2016 Director General of Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development (DEVCO)


since 2003 Visiting Professor. College of Europe, Parma European College (Parma, Italy).
1982-1982 Fellowship. Academy of International Law (The Hague, The Netherlands).
1980-1980 Fellowship. UNESCO, Department of Legal Affairs (Paris, France).