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Dr. Stella REITER-THEIL Director, Department for Medical and Health Ethics, Medical Faculty, Basel


 Academic degrees in philosophy and psychology / University of Tübingen. Researcher and lecturer (ethics of psychotherapy) / University of Vienna. Training in psychotherapy. Heinz Maier Leibnitz Award for Practical Philosophy. Habilitation for medical ethics. Leadership/positions in medical ethics: University of Göttingen and University of Freiburg / Germany; University of Basel / Switzerland. Chair of numerous international conferences, including clinical ethics and consultation. Advisor in national and international ethics committees: Ethics Council, German Health Department; Senate: Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS); CIOMS/WHO. Present position: Director, Department for Medical and Health Ethics, Medical Faculty Basel: Interdisciplinary research in medical and health ethics, director of Ph.D.-programme, teaching in the medical curriculum Basel. Independent ethical advisor to the European project SAYLE/7. EU Framework, and international advisory board member to the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research. Expert for numerous international research funding institutions


American Society of Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH)
European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics (EACME)
Steering Committee, "European Master in Bioethics"
Scientific Committee, 9. World Congress Internat. Assoc. Bioethics (IAB), 2008


"Does Empirical Research make Bioethics more Relevant? 'The Embedded Researcher' as a Methodological Approach", in Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 7: 17-29, 2004
Reiter-Theil (et al.) The complex roles of relatives in end-of-life decision-making. An ethical analysis. HEC Forum 19, 4: 338-36, 2007
Reiter-Theil (et al.) "A 'little bit illegal': Withholding and Withdrawing of Mechanical Ventilation in the Eyes of German Intensive Care Physicians", in: Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 11, 1: 7-16, 2008
Reiter-Theil (et al.) "Should ethics consultants help clinicians face scarcity of resources?", in: Journal of Medical Ethics 34: 241-246, 2008


Visiting professor at the Universities of Leuven / Belgium and Nijmegen / Netherlands
President of the Ad-hoc-Committee 'Ethik-Charta', German Society/Section of the International Association for the Study of Pain (ISAP)
Chair/Co-Chair of International Conference series: 'Clinical Ethics and Consultation'
Heinz Maier Leibnitz Award for Practical Philosophy