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Mag. Dr. Stephan BARISITZ Ökonom, Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Wien


1978 Matura passed with distinction
1978-1986 Study of economics at the University of Innsbruck
1982 Second Diploma examination passed
1984 Research stay at Carleton University/Ottawa, Canada in connection with doctoral studies
1986 Doctoral examination passed with distinction
1986-1990 Economist at the Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies (WIIW)
1990-1991 Economist and editor of the publications of International Business Research Marktforschungsges. m.b.H., Vienna
1992-1995 Economist at the Austrian Institute for East and South East European Studies (OSI), editor of "Presseschau Ostwirtschaft", economic editor of "Österreichische Osthefte"
1995-1998 Economist on the Russia-CIS-Bulgaria-Desk of the Economics Department of OECD, Paris
since 1998 Senior Economist in the Foreign Research Division of the Österreichische Nationalbank


forthcoming: Banking in central and Eastern Europe 1980-2006-From Communism to Capitalism-A Comprehensive Analysis of Banking Sector Transformation in the former Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Yugoslavia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Poland, Romania, the Russian Federation, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan, Routledge (Tayler & Francis), London and New York, 2007
with A. Pemmer: Ukraine: Macroeconomic Developments and Structural Change with a Special Focus on the Energy Sector, 2007
Der ukrainische Bahnensektor-Ein boomender, aber riskanter Markt für strategische Auslandsinvestoren, 2006
Ukraine: Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, Strukturwandel und Reformen seit der Unabhängigkeit, Österreichische Osthefte, Sonderband 15: Ukraine: Geografie, Ethnische Struktur-Geschichte-Sprache und Literatur-Kultur-Politik-Bildung-Wirtschaft-Recht, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt/Main, 2001