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Dr. LL.M. Susanne BAER Justice of the First Senate, German Federal Constitutional Court, Karlsruhe


 Susanne Baer serves as Justice of the Federal Constitutional Court in Germany, elected by parliament, the Deutscher Bundestag, in 2011 to the First Senate, for a 12 years term. She is also the Professor of Public Law and Gender Studies at Humboldt University Berlin and a James W. Cook Global Law Professor at the University of Michigan Law School, and has taught at CEU Budapest, in Austria, Switzerland and Canada. Justice Baer studied law and political science and joined movements against discrimination and domestic violence; she directed the GenderCompetenceCentre to advise the German federal government on gender mainstreaming 2003-2010, and due co-drafted German standards for equality in research. At Humboldt University, she served as Vice-President, Vice Dean and Director of Gender Studies, founded the Law and Society Institute Berlin and the Hum-boldt Law Clinic in Fundamental and Human Rights.


Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer e.V.
Vereinigung für Rechtssoziologie
Deutscher Juristinnenbund e.V.
Gesellschaft für Rechtsvergleichung


Comparative Constitutionalism. 3rd edition, Thomson/West 2016 (with Norman Dorsen, Michel Rosenfeld, András Sajó, Susanna Mancini)
Equality, in: Rosenfeld/ Sajo, The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law, OUP 2012, 982-1001
Dignity, Liberty, Equality: A Fundamental Rights Triangle of Constitutionalism, Toronto, 4, 417-468, 2009
Rechtssoziologie: Eine Einführung in die interdisziplinäre Rechtsforschung


Honorary Doctorate, University of Michigan, 2014
Coresponding Fellow, British Academy, 2017
Honorary Doctorate, University of Hasselt, 2018