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Dr. Susanne REINDL-KRAUSKOPF Vizedekanin, Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät sowie Professorin, Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie, Univeristät Wien


1996 Graduation to Doctor iuris, University of Vienna
1999-2000 Temporary Lawyer within the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg
2003 Habilitation in criminal substantial and criminal procedural law, University of Vienna
2003-2012 Associate Professor, University of Vienna
2008-2010 Deputy-Head of the "Evaluation Commission" in the case of Natascha Kampusch, Ministry of the Interior, Vienna
2009 Expert in the Section "Criminal Law", 17th Austrian Juristentag, Vienna
since 2010 Professor of criminal substantial and procedural law and criminology, University of Vienna
Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Vienna
since 2011 Head of ALES - Austrian Center for Law Enforcement Sciences, University of Vienna
since 2012 Board Member, Austrian Society for Criminal Law and Criminology


Member, Advisory Board of the Section "Fundamental Rights and Interdisciplinary Exchange", Austrian Judges Association, since 2006
Member, Working Group "Criminal Law" - Criminal Law Commission at the Austrian Chamber of Lawyers, since 2006
Member, SIAK Advisory Board at the Ministry of the Interior, since 2011


E-Commerce und Strafrecht. Zur Strafbarkeit des Missbrauchs elektronischer Dienste, Wien 2003
Strafrecht Besonderer Teil, gemeinsam mit H. Fuchs, 3. überarbeitete Auflage, Wien 2009
Strafrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit von Gemeindeorganen am Beispiel des Bürgermeisters, in: KWG (Hrsg.), Haftung von Bürgermeistern und Gemeindeorganen. (2010) 23
UVS oder Strafjustiz: Wer kontrolliert die Kriminalpolizei?, JBl 2011, 345


Young Researchers Prize awarded by the "Juristische Blätter" (publisher: "Springer WienNewYork"), 2000