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Mag. Dr. Susanne WEIGELIN-SCHWIEDRZIK Vice Rector for Research and Career Development, University of Vienna


1973 Studies in Sinology, Japanese Studies and Political Science, Bonn University
1980 Research Fellow at Beijing University
1984-1985 Research Fellow at the Center for Chinese Studies, University of California at Berkeley
1987 Guest Lecturer at Qinghua University, Beijing
1999-2001 Vice Rector for International Relations, University of Heidelberg; cooptation into the Committee for University Relations, Intern at the HRK Bonn; Stay as a visiting research scholar at the Center for Chinese Studies / University of California at Berkeley
2002 Professor of Sinology, University of Vienna
2005 Madeleine H. Russell Visiting Professor for Non-Western and Comparative Studies / Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
2010-2011 Dean of the Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies, University of Vienna
since 2011 Vice Rector for Research and Career Development, University of Vienna


Member of the Academic Advisory Council of the Schwarzman Scholars Program
Member of AAS, EACS, Historical Society of 20th century China
Member of the Editorial Board of Pacific Affairs


Broken Narratives, On Post Cold War History and Identitiy in Europe and East Asia, Brill, Leiden, 2014
On the Compatibility of Chinese and European History: A Marxist Approach, 50 Years of - Methodological Discussions among Chinese Historians, In: Duara, Prasenjit and Viren Murthy (eds.): Gobal histories (Chicago University Press
Our ancestor dragons have already died, but their souls are still with us - The Campaign to Criticize Lin Biao and Confucius and the problem of "Restoration" in Chinese Marxist Historiography, Accepted for pulication in: Murthy, Viren and Axel Schneider (eds.): The Challenge of Linear Time: Nationhood and the Politics of History in East Asia. Leiden, Brill (in print)
In cooperation with Sascha Klotzbücher: Responsivität nach unten, Gehorsam nach oben: Grenzen und Möglichkeiten dezentraler Handlungsautonomie im Kontext des Umgangs mit Minderheiten in den chinesischen Grenzgebieten. Accepted for publication in: Hubert Heinelt/Chunrong Zheng (eds): Modernes Regieren in China, 19-21