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Sylvie LACROIX Flautist, Vienna


 Sylvie Lacroix lives in Vienna as a freelance flautist, performing principally as a soloist and chamber musician. The focus of her work lies in contemporary music; in this context, she regularly cooperates with composers, frequently giving premieres of their new pieces. She is member of Trio Amos and ensemble PHACE. Several years ago, she began to work on compositions of her own, writing a number of chamber music for several instrumental combinations, some of them with electronics.An accomplished transverse flute player as well, she played with Concentus Musicus under Nikolaus Harnoncourt (1985-1991), in the Summer 2005 at the Salzburger Festspielen Produktion of Mozarts 'Mitridate' with Marc Minkovski´s 'les musiciens du louvre', 2009 Wiener Festwochen "Ensemble Mattäus "Jean Christophe Spinozi. She is currently a member of "il concerto viennese" and performed with this ensemble J.S Bach ´s music for solo flute at the festival Styriarte.