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Dr. phil. Tamara EHS Senior Researcher and Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of Vienna


 An award-winning scholar and an expert on issues of politico-legal aspects of European integration, especially on post-national(ist) statehood with Switzerland s political system and Hans Kelsen s theory of the state as the analytical pattern. She holds a Dr.phil. In Political Science (2005) from the University of Vienna and has studied at the University of Oxford, the LSE and at Sciences Po Lille. Currently she is a senior lecturer and researcher at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna. Her recently published book 'Hans Kelsen und politische Bildung im modernen Staat' (Manz, 2007) was awarded the Ludo Hartmann-Prize.


Member of the Steering Committee of NICLAS - New International Constitutional Law Approach-Summer School
Member of the Government Section of the Oxford Council on Good Governance


Hans Kelsen und die Europäische Union, Nomos, 2008
European Identity and Civic Concern: An Argument against Mythologising Europe, 2008
The EU as "Rechtsgemeinschaft". A Kelsenian Approach (together with Jürgen Busch), 2008
She is currrently editing and co-authoring a new book, entitled "Hans Kelsen und die Europäische Union. Erörterungen moderner (Nicht-) Staatlichkeit", Nomos, 2008


Theodor Körner-Award for Science, 2006
Maria Schaumayer-Award for Women in Science, 2006
Ludo Hartmann-Award by the Association of Austrian Adult Education Centres, 2007
Seconded Expert to Hebrew University Jerusalem by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research, 2008