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Thine HOLM Consultant, Coach, CEO, Value and People Academy


2001-2003 Communications Consultant, Danske Bank Group, Copenhagen
2003-2008 Head of Customer Communications, Danske Bank Group, Copenhagen
2008-2010 Head of Communications and Skills, Human Innovation, Horsholm
2012-2013 Head of Human Ressources and Communications, John Jensen A/S, Hedehusene
since 2010 Change faciliator and Communication Advisor, Value and People Academy


2014-2016 Member of Rotary Club Koldinghus


Holm, T.: Co-creative leadership and active citizenship. Is there a connections? In: Futuriblerne - Journal of Social Relations 43, Association of Future Studies, 2015


2015-2016 Club Conductor, Rotary Club Koldinghus