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BA, JD Thomas M. SUSMAN Partner, Ropes & Gray lLLP, Washington D.C.


1964 BA Yale University
1967 JD University of Texas
1967-1968 Law Clerk to Judge John Minor Wisdom, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
1968-1969 Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, U.S. Department of Justice
1969-1980 Chief Counsel and General Counsel to U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure,
  Subcommittee on Antitrust, and Committee on the Judiciary
2000-2006 Adjunct Professor of Law, Washington College of Law of the American University


American Law Institute
American Bar Association
American League of Lobbyists
National Federation of Business Legal Foundation
National Security Archive
American Society of Access Professionals
American Constitution Society


The Lobbying Manual: A Complete Guide to Federal Law Governing Lawyers and Lobbyists (co-editor and contributor)
Business Use of the Freedom of Information Act, Bureau of National Affairs Corporate Counsel Portfolio, 2004
"Lobbying in the 21st Century - Reciprocity and the Need for Reform", Second Annual Distinguished Lecture on Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice, 58 Admin. L. Rev. 737, 2006
"Lobbying Disclosure: A Recipe for Reform", William Luneburg & Thomas Susman, 33 Notre Dame J. of Legis. 32, 2006
"Ethics and Lobbying Reform in the 110th Congress", Thomas Susman & Margret S. Moore, 10 J. Biolaw & Bus. No. 2, at 1, 2007


National Judicial College (President of Board of Trustees)
Mayor`s Blue Ribbon Commission on the Future of the District of Columbia Public Library System
Freedom of Information Hall of Fame
"Golden Eagle Award" United States Court of Federal Claims, 2002
Selected for "The Best Lawyers in America", 2007
United States Claims Court Honorary Membership