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Ph.D. Thomas STERNER Professor of Environmental Economics, School of Business, Economics and Law, Göteborg University


1969 A levels in Physics, Chemistry Mathematics in UK
1976 MA in economics
1986 Ph.D.
1990 University Lecturer
1996 Professor


European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
Swedish Economic Association


Sterner T.: Policy Instruments for Environmental and Natural Resource Management, RFF Press, 2002
Sterner T.: "Unobserved diversity, depletion and irreversibility - The importance of subpopulations for management of cod stocks" Ecological Economics, vol. 61: 2-3, pages 566-574, 2007
Sterner T.: Gasoline Taxes a useful instrument for climate policy, Energy Policy Vol. 35:6, 2007
Hoel M., Sterner T.: Discounting and relative prices, Climatic Change, 2007


University Fellow at the Resources for the Future, since 2001
Pedagogical prize of the University of Göteborg, 2003
President of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2008-2009