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Dr. Tom KIRKWOOD Professor of Medicine and Head of Gerontology, University of Newcastle


1973-81 Scientist, then Staff Scientist (1979), Statistics Section, National Institute for Biological Standards and Control, London
1981-88 Staff Scientist, then Senior Staff Scientist (1987), Computing Laboratory, MRC National Institute for Medical Research, London
1988-93 Head, Laboratory of Mathematical Biology, MRC National Institute for Medical Research, London
1993-99 Professor of Biological Gerontology, University of Manchester


1992-99 British Society for Research on Ageing, Chair
since 2000 European Editor of "Mechanisms of Ageing and Development"
2001 Council Member, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
since 2002 Council Member, UK Academy of Medical Sciences
since 2003 European President (Biology), International Association of Gerontology


The End of Age. 2001
Chance, Development and Aging. 2000
Time of Our Lives: The Science of Human Ageing (published in German translation as Zeit unseres Lebens 2000). 1999
Accuracy in Molecular Processes: Its Control and Relevance to Living Systems. 1986


2001 BBC Reith Lecturer
2001 Elected Fellow, Academy of Medical Sciences
2001 Dhole-Eddlestone Prize, British Geriatrics Society
2002 Honorary Fellow, Faculty of Actuaries
2002 Henry Dale Prize, Royal Institution